Pricing Rubric

When you first submit a manuscript to us, we evaluate it to determine which pricing tear it falls into. Below are the criteria we use, and which you can use to determine in advance what your manuscript may cost to copyedit.

The following characteristics define a Short Article: ($250)

  • Any article under 8,000 words; typically a unique article type: commentaries, summaries of other articles, editorials, teaching guides, or course syllabi.
  • Few if any tables, figure graphics, or equations.
  • Limited technical discussion of research methodology.

A Standard Copyedit is defined by the following features: ($400)

  • Articles typically between 7,500 and 14,000 words.
  • Consistent grammar, requiring only occasional fixes or clarifications.
  • Up to 15 total table/figure panels.
  • References formatted consistently, only occasionally requiring fixes or reformatting.

The following signal that an Advanced Copyedit is required: ($550)

  • Articles between 14,000 and 18,000 words.
  • Grammatical issues throughout a paper, often regarding use of articles, subject-verb agreement, or other issues commonly associated with authors who speak English as a second language.
  • Highly technical discussions of research methods, equations, or resulting data.
  • Between 16 and 25 total table/figure panels.
  • Citations and references that frequently require reformatting.

Papers with any of the following characteristics require an Extensive Copyedit: ($800)

  • Any article exceeding 18,000 words; typically lengthly literature reviews or exhaustive technical discussions on a particular research method.
  • Widespread grammatical issues, with most sentences requiring some amount of editing.
  • Advanced technical or mathematical discussions which may include numerous equations throughout the the text.
  • A large number of tables and related discussions, exceeding 25 total table panels.
  • Nearly all references in an inconsistent or incorrect format.
Note: All mentions of word counts refer to the total document word count shown by Microsoft Word, which includes title page information, headings, tables, appendices, and more.