Copyedit.Solutions—The Accounting Copyedit Specialists

No one has more experience copyediting for accounting journals than the Copyedit.Solutions team.

With more than 30 years combined experience copyediting for the American Accounting Association’s collection of journals, no one is more qualified to work with accounting research.

While we are neither accountants nor statistical scholars, we are well-versed in this type of research. We understand the terms and relationships between concepts related to the practice of accounting, auditing quality, academic and practitioner reviews and commentaries, and are knowledgeable with regard to the Big N and next-tier audit firms, domestic and international professional organizations, regulating bodies, and more.

If you’re a professor of accounting or a related discipline and plan to submit to an article to any accounting journal, you’re in better hands with Copyedit.Solutions than with other freelance copyeditors who have the level of experience in this area that we will provide.

We Tackle Technical Fails

Was your paper recently returned by an editor or production staff on behalf of the American Accounting Association because it does not conform to AAA’s standard style and formatting guidelines? We can help with that!

Our team of copyeditors has worked extensively on AAA journals, and are well versed in AAA’s required styles and formatting guidelines. No one is more qualified to bring your manuscript into required compliance.


An Expert Team

Copyedit.Solutions has a small, but specialized team. We’re not an Uber for editing services with copyeditors around the globe. We don’t “dash” off the work for the sake of expediency. We’re a skilled and experienced U.S.-based team that has been dealing specifically with accounting copyediting for the American Accounting Association for decades.


We Have Experiecne With:

The Accounting Review

Accounting Horizons

Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory

Issues in Accounting Education

Behavioral Research in Accounting

Journal of Information Systems

Journal of Management Accounting Research

Journal of the American Taxation Association

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting

Journal of International Accounting Research

Current Issues in Auditing

Accounting and the Public Interest

Journal of Forensic Accounting Research

Accounting Historians Journal